I really hope someone puts the young Messi in his place. I'm sure that at Barça if he decides not to pass the ball to Deco, Dinho, Eto¡o, or Xavi, somebody is going to tell him "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?"...but apparently he is starting to give in against the Maradona syndrome and believes he alone will hand in the victory for Argentina...If I was Basile I'd kick him in the ass until he understanhds that if you get past 9 players but the tenth steals it then it's all worthless.(it will definitely take some time for this brat)
I am so fucking annoyed about Tristelme still playing...the guy has never been the same since he left Boca and probaly never will be. Sure he is class but I can't stand his slowness and his always horizontal game...to win you have to get to shoot to the other teams goal moron!!!...Just wished Bielsa was coaching...
As for Brazil...here goes the myth that brazilian CB's are crap that apprently my man Alfio still believes
Robinho was excellent, and thank god he relaxed for the second half...oh and of course Kaka wasn't going to dissapear for the whole game, he would just wake up on time to make that beatiful goal against Argentina...