(in German)
"Messi wurde zwar in Argentinien geboren, hat aber praktisch sein gesamtes Fußballerleben in Europa verbracht. Vielleicht fehlt ihm etwas das Verständnis für den argentinischen Fußball."
Messi was born in Argentina, but really, has spent virtually his entire football life in Europe. Maybe, he lacks a certain understanding of Argentine football"
says the Gaucho World Champ of 1986
is he right ?
is Messi really a Catalan footballer
and therefore Spanish ?
are the Gachos right to lay claim to the midget ?
and really, should Messi be ALLOWED to play for the ARGIES ?
(in German)
"Messi wurde zwar in Argentinien geboren, hat aber praktisch sein gesamtes Fußballerleben in Europa verbracht. Vielleicht fehlt ihm etwas das Verständnis für den argentinischen Fußball."
Messi was born in Argentina, but really, has spent virtually his entire football life in Europe. Maybe, he lacks a certain understanding of Argentine football"
says the Gaucho World Champ of 1986
is he right ?
is Messi really a Catalan footballer
and therefore Spanish ?
are the Gachos right to lay claim to the midget ?
and really, should Messi be ALLOWED to play for the ARGIES ?