I had two rather interesting chats here in Munich regarding "integration" with two chaps I know
one is a German Turk, born here
he's an old class mate of Ekici's (ie the Werder midfielder who was born in Germany but now plays for Turkey)
the other guy is a Romanian who moved to Germany 9 years ago, now speaks perfect German, not least since he went through the German school system
the Romanian has some fascinating insights since he first went to the Hauptschule (the place where you find the majority of "foreigners" in Germany including most of the "foreign" German footballers who refuse to sing the anthem, somehow then got his Mittlere Reife before getting his Fachabitur and then working for BMW in a management position); ie the lad knows ALL sides to the argument
my Romanian buddy now has a German passport and is fully integrated
but he says that at Hauptschul-level, where the majority of pupils have foreign roots, certainly in big city "Problembezirke", "real" German kids called Müller or Schmidt get seriously bullied and discriminated
in the past , they would get called Schweine-/Kartoffelfresser
it's less extreme than it was in the past, but since the pressure is massive to FIT IN, the "real" Germans at Hauptschule nowadays even invent FAKE "foreign" identities
ie, a Müller will tell his "Turkish..." class mates that his parents originally come from Poland, Russia or the Czech Republic, rather than "admit" that he is German
this is basically the background to the likes of Podolski, Boateng/Khedira.. (who have German mothers) refusing to sing the anthem
my Romanian buddy also says that Özil is now probably the most hated "Turk" in Germany
the majority of the ethnic Turks consider him to be a TRAITOR, which basically explains why the poor lad was whistled by the German-Turks when Germany played Turkey in BERLIN some time ago
as for my German-Turkish contact, the good boy told me that his friend Ekici decided to play for Turkey rather than Germany, where he was born, because of family pressure
in Turkish society, he says, you not only respect your elders, you often have to obey them as well + the ENTIRE family has a say in what you do
if Ekici's parents are less well integrated or don't feel at home in Germany, because of linguistic difficulties, they push their son to opt for Turkey and he will obey
the words my contact always uses, just like all the other "Turks" I know is
RESPEKT (respect)
EHRE (honour)
in others words
integration of the grandchildren of the first immigrants in Germany can be VERY difficult
if the parents or grandparents insist it's a question of honour or respect to be loyal to Turkey
frankly, both the German-Turk and the "Romanian"-German are both very eloquent and seemingly fully integrated and more than able to play to "German" rules
both have entirely different sets of values to me and my German buddies, it's insane
I may be a big fan of REAL GERMANS like Ballack, Lehmann, Frings, Sammer, Lothar....
but compared to them I am so ridiculously effeminate / soft /weak..., it's almost silly
these guys are REAL MACHOS (despite being softly spoken, when needed)
they can completely LOSE IT, when another man looks at their GF,
are more than willing to engage in brawls when they feel somebody looks at them the wrong way
the "Turk" is more than willing to DIE for his country (which rather confusingly means both Turkey and Germany),
the NATION is holy to them
honour and respect are everything to them
cars, the bigger the better, are all important to them
preferably , BMWs with 300+ horsepower
insult their mother and fear for your life
their GFs are treated like princesses as long as they ACCEPT their rules
again, these are the FULLY integrated "foreign-Germans", who CAN successfully play by local rules
if Claudia Roth knew what these guys make of her PC ideas, of feminism...
she would reassess her views of a multicultural dream society completely
both the Turk and the Romanian German agree that they would EXPECT any non-Turk/Romanian to SING THE ANTHEM in the Turkish/Romanian national team
in other words, they agree that most Germans with Migrationshintergrund expect something they would be unwilling to grant themselves in their parents' home countries
both also agree that it will take at least another full generation before integration really starts to become a success
my own brother, who has been living and working in the USA for more than seven years now
now also has an American passport (he was allowed to keep the German one as well)
rather amusingly, he applied to work for the American diplomatic service, despite only having his American passport for about 6 months
and now got a job offer
in other words, my brother, who REFUSED to give up his German passport, still speaks "American" with a German accent, and has little respect for the American political system
could, if he decided to accept the offer,
now REPRESENT the USA and its "values" abroad
and is more than happy to do so
how many German-Turks would be happy to REPRESENT Germany and its values abroad
me wonders