by abundance Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:26 pm
To me it's on par with what I expected at the start of this season, worse than I hoped at the end of the last.
During last season we showed a long awaited CL-level attitude, but its extreme success was based on a lot of things clicking together.
I had hoped we would build on that attitude with two-three big signigns to help us sustaining a european top level status, coping with the loss of Mourinho and addressing some limits of our squad that we were able to hide only with Mou's tactics and motivation, and with the superbe performance of the players, especially those deployed off-role.
We chose not to invest, which is fair considering loyalty to the winning squad and respect for Moratti's previous investments, but it just meant that we were going to need luck with injuries and another collective overachievement to be successful again.
Everything that could go wrong went wrong already in the first months with Benitez, while Leonardo, discounting the CL struggle that was quite predictable, has gone beyond any wild hope results-wise so far (if we win this weekend he'll be the debuting coach with the most points ever in Serie A!).
And we got some fairly good signings in January.
So in the end we're on par, we're still in contention for some silverware, the team doesn't play that well but it's still focused and cohese, and that's enough for me