EMP wrote:Mido certainly took offence to it and like I said earlier he may well have personl history that we don't know about. Egypt has had a long history of problems with Islamic fundamentalism dating back to the times Gamel Abdel Nasser. The first leader of an Islamic fundamentalist party was executed by Nasser. Anwar Sadat Nasser's successor was murdered by them. There have been numerous atrocities under the Mubarak elective dictatorship. Is that unlikely that Mido's family could have been caught up in this violence somewhere and that he therefore reacts badly to such suggestions?
And as you say Hadji has far greater resemblance to Reid than Mido.
Mido should get thicker skin. He's a man that is paid millions to play every now and then, and barely train by the looks of him, and we're supposed to feel sorry for him because he can't take a joke? Surely people have better things to worry about than a pampered millionaires feelings.