German girls >>>>>>>>>> Dutch girls
not true Otto, Dutch girls arent the best in the world, but beat German girls..German girls are quite cold when you approach them
German hockey girls >>>>>>> Dutch hockey girls
This is just ridiculous, Dutch hockey girls eat cum for breakfast...so that is 2-0 for the Dutch.
München >>> Amsterdam
I agree with you, Amsterdam is a shithole...hell Wolfsburg>>>>Amsterdam. Germany scores the 2-1..with a penalty of course.
Berlin >> Den Haag
Berlin is $h!t...then again so is Den Haag..although they have a beach..3-1
Bremen >>> Groningen
Groningen is a suburb of Bremen...fair enough 3-2
ein deutsches Schloss >>>>>>>>>> ein holländischer Wohnwagen
Wohnwagens are cool and you know it 4-2 for the Dutch!!
Gerhard Schröder >>>>>>>> Harry Potter
Can't disagree with you on that one 4-3
Schuster >>>> das Lama
At least Rikard relegated with Sparta...5-3
Hamburger Hafen >>> Rotterdam Hafen
Ha! Hamburg can come close...but fails in the end 6-3
German Lüneburger Heather Honey >>>> Dutch Salad
Dunno what salad that is..but fair enough 6-4
Gomez >>> Kuyt
Ooohhhh!!! 7-4
Lehmann >> van der Saaaaar
Nahhhh, Lehmann=fail...he loses all finals. 8-4
Sammer >>> van Bockwurst
No brainer, 9-4
wahre G
9-4..now that is a Wahre G