Two TITANS of WORLD Football come HEAD to HEAD in the cathedral of FOOTBALL that is WHITE hart LaNe. The SCENE of many gLoBAL
TRIUMPHS, including a 13-2 victory against the MIGHTY Crewe Alexandra, a team whose mere name SEND shivers down the spine of
opposing FANS sipping CAPUCCINOS the World Over.
In town tonight: the Tsunami of EVIL that is Woolwich Arsenal FOOTBALL Club and their GENTRIFIED bunch of ALOOF fans, intent
on looking sMuGLY DOWN their (admittedly rather small) NOSES once AGAIN at their NOISY neighbours.
The TIDE of GOOD has been slowly sHIFTING however, away FROM the DARK and into the WHITE. LILLYWHITE.
Unbeaten in the last 4 League GAMES against the BOYS in RED,
Super SPURS go into this game NEEDING a VICTORY to up-end Sheikh MOHAMAN City for 4th and TO further BOOST club shop DVD sales,
whilst Arsene-loves-ANAL (tee hee) need a RARE victory against THE NUMBER ONE team in NORTH London TO maintain SLIM hopes
of overHAULING SLURALEX's red BEAST for THEIR first TROPHY since 1660.
Which set's everything UP nicely for THE GAME OF THE CENTURY.
You'd be a FOOL to miss it.
Gents, HOLD onto your YOM KIPPURS: This is GONNA be a BIG UN.
Let the Banter COMMENCE....